Disposition of text across manuscript face(s)
- Dickinson's writing appears on one side of the paper/leaf only (81)
- Dickinson's writing appears on both sides of the paper/leaf (52)
- Dickinson's writing appears within the rule of the paper (24)
- Dickinson's writing appears over or outside the boundaries of the rule of the paper (2)
- Dickinson's writing appears against the rule of the paper (5)
- Dickinson's writing appears in the unruled space of the header of the paper (2)
- Dickinson added text infra- and/or supralinearly (33)
- Dickinson rotated the paper during the course of the composition of a discrete text (20)
- Dickinson's writing appears sideways along the left and/or right edges of the paper (13)
- Dickinson's writing appears upside-down in relation to the body of the text (3)
- Dickinson composed her text around, over, or on the verso of a text written by an alien hand (5)
- Dickinson composed her text around, over, or on the verso of a printed text (9)
- Dickinson composed her text around or over one of her earlier compositions (2)
- The disposition of Dickinson's text is chaotic; the order of the text is unclear (6)
- Dickinson used the material boudaries of the manuscript--seals, seams, folds, etc.--as textual boundaries (5)
- Dickinson drew horizontal lines to divide the manuscript into different sectors (26)
- Dickinson drew vertical lines to divide the manuscript into different sectors (7)
- Dickinson canceled the face of the manuscript (5)